Long back when I joined pharma industry , it was a MNC , then I changed to another big MNC , what I observed was that, these multinationals were managed from top to bottom by Indian talent, if it is so then why not plan Indian company to compete with these multinationals, they were thriving on our talent pool and sometimes a visiting foreign dignitary use to call Indian pharma sector as mushrooming , with this thought behind seagull laboratories was incorporated in 1981 , our mission was to prove Indian talent is in no way inferior to MNC’s , which has been now amply proved, even in other industries , today many MNCs in USA are headed by Indians , in Indian pharma industry in the 70s top 10 companies had one or two Indian companies , today we have many Indian pharma companies leading the table , India being one of the largest drug suppliers in the world , still we can say our industry is in it’s youthful years , there is immense scope to grow and make it big ,

our mission is to bring light to the life of patients through qualitative and economical drugs availability. We have focussed on developing our own employees as future leaders to lead the organisation and our team has always come up to face challenges. I feel proud to be part of Indian pharma industry , we foresee greater role of our pharma industry at global level in coming times , our team is geared up to take on the opportunities.

Devender Dogra